Every member is automatically added to our members-only email list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) upon joining the AGPI. A member may opt out of the list upon request to the Membership Chair via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Members can use the members email list to post questions and comment about games, puzzles, their histories, collecting, and restoration issues. Also, for example, if you are seeking instructions for a game, there’s a good chance that someone else in the group will respond to your query and provide them. The email list is also an effective way to alert members to news and events related to games and puzzles.
If you send an email to the members email list address, it will go to every member on the list except the sender. (Add yourself to your email as an addressee if you want to get a copy yourself.)
If you Reply All to a message, the reply will go to everyone on the list. If you Reply (not Reply All) to a message, the reply will go only to the sender. If you want to receive replies privately, be sure to specify that in your original email.
If you use more than one email address for communications contact the Membership Chair about how best to participate in the list.
Past emails are archived online at https://groups.google.com/g/agpi-members. If you want to access this archive, you must register for an account with Google, which is not managed nor maintained by the AGPI.
For any questions about the members email list, contact the AGPI Membership Chair.