Membership Directory Information

Please contact the AGPI Membership Chair, Debby Leo, when you change your address, email, or telephone numbers; or when you have a question, concern or suggestion about the organization. Debby has the answers to almost every question.  If she doesn’t have the answer, she knows who does.  Email Debby at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Paying Your AGPI Membership Dues

There are two ways to pay or renew annual dues:

  1. Renew online at the JOIN-or-RENEW link on our home page, which facilitates the safe usage of a credit card or your PayPal account.
  2. Send a U.S. dollar check or money order made out to AGPI at 2512 Damian Drive, Hatboro PA 19040 USA

(Important note: the AGPI cannot accept wire transfers; nor can we accept checks or money orders denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars.)

Current Members: Please pay promptly. Late payments create an administrative burden that your volunteer-run organization is ill-prepared to handle.