The American Game Collectors Association (AGCA) was founded in February 1985 by Bruce Whitehill following discussions with several game collectors. Most important was Lee Dennis, established games historian and writer, and owner (with husband Rally) of The Game Preserve, a game museum that closed its doors in the 1988. Four other advisors were instrumental in the founding of the organization: Debby and Marty Krim, John Mautner, and Herb Siegel. Shortly thereafter George Sanborn and Frank Simon joined the informal “Board of Directors” to help advise in the design of the AGCA’s goals, requirements, and procedures.

Bruce Whitehill was elected President and began by writing and editing a newsletter about games, game companies, and collectors. Whitehill drafted a Charter, the Board amended it, and the membership approved it. The main focus of the organization was on games of American origin manufactured prior to World War II. Membership, however, was open to anyone, and many collectors of other playthings (such as puzzles, architectural blocks, marbles, playing cards, tops, etc.) joined.

With extensive outreach to potential members the group grew rapidly, from a handful of members in February to 79 by the end of 1985. Of those, 31 became charter members by showing they each owned at least 50 pre-World War II games or puzzles, and by paying two years’ worth of dues. Dues at the time were $15 per year. The first annual convention took place in October 1985, with more than 20 members attending the weekend in Essex, Connecticut, USA.

With increased membership and a large influx of jigsaw puzzle and mechanical puzzle collectors over the next thirteen years, Whitehill suggested, in 1999, that it was time to change both the focus and name of the organization. The Board of Directors agreed, and the membership voted to change the name to the Association of Game & Puzzle Collectors (AGPC). The group subsequently became the Association for Games & Puzzles International (AGPI) in 2016 to better reflect its expanded charter focus and global membership base.

Joe Angiolillo

Patti & Jonathan Becker

Bill & Debbie Boyd

Kendra Krienke Daniel

Lee & Rally Dennis (both deceased)

Don & Phyllis Ebb (Phyllis deceased)

Ray Featherstone

William & Mary Furnish (both deceased)

David Galt (deceased)

Richard & Elizabeth Hale

Flora Gill Jacobs (deceased)

Dale Kelley

Clark King

Debby & Marty Krim

Ken & Lori Lass

Ellen Liman

Don Lurito (deceased)

John Mautner (deceased)

Steve Olin (deceased)

Roy & Grace Olsen (both deceased)

John Overall (deceased)

Harry Rinker

Linda & Gary Rudin

Sid Sackson (deceased)

George Sanborn & Frank Simon (both deceased)

Wayne Saunders

Herb Siegel (deceased)

John & Mildred Spear (Mildred is deceased)

Raymond Spong (deceased)

Bruce Whitehill

Anne Williams

 As of October 2024.

Position  Name Term Expires Status Voting Board Member
President Dave Thomen 2026 Elected Yes
Vice President David Stewart-Patterson 2026 Elected Yes
Treasurer  Charlie Gross 2026 Elected Yes
Recording Secretary John Cabot 2026 Elected Yes
Corresponding Secretary Wayne Saunders 2026 Elected Yes
Director Nadine Sehnert 2027 Appointed Yes
Director (vacant) 2026 Appointed Yes
Director Rick Tucker 2025 Appointed Yes
Membership Chair Debby Leo   Appointed Yes
Convention Planning Chair Lisa Bloome   Appointed Yes
Current (2025) Convention Chair Bruce Whitehill   Appointed Yes
Webmaster Bob Finn   Appointed Yes
Web Content Manager Rick Tucker    Appointed Yes
Publications Editor David Beffa-Negrini   Appointed Yes
 Past President Greg Fullerton  2026 Appointed Yes
Founder Bruce Whitehill Never Expires  Per Bylaws Yes
Publicity Co-chairs Suzanne Pearlman & Elizabeth Fullerton   Appointed No
Nominating Chair Phil Orbanes   Appointed No
Awards Chair Phil Orbanes   Appointed No
Archives Chair Jim Polczynski   Appointed No
Research Chair Jim Polczynski   Appointed No
Editor, Membership Directory Anne Williams     No
Editor, Game Catalog (document) Charlie Gross     No
Editor, Game Catalog (database and website) Rick Tucker     No



2024-2026 Dave Thomen
2020-2024 Greg Fullerton
2016-2020 Phil Orbanes
2011-2016 Joe Seymour
2006-2011 David Beffa-Negrini
 2001-2006 Martha Folsom
 1997-2001  Dave Oglesby
 1993-1997 Alex Malloy 
 1991-1993 Joe Angiolillo
 1989-1991 Mildred Spear
1987-1989 Debby Krim 
1985-1987  Bruce Whitehill 


Donations to the Association help the AGPI meet its mission to preserve and disseminate information on the origins and history of games and puzzles and their designers and inventors, and educate the general public about the heritage and enduring cultural value and impact of games and puzzles.

Donations by U.S. taxpayers to the AGPI are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law, since we are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization recognized by the IRS. Of course, gifts by citizens of other nations are welcome also, though not tax deductible

To make a donation by check or money order, payable in U.S. dollars, please make it out to AGPI and mail to:

AGPI Treasurer
430 South River Landing Road
Edgewater MD  21037-1551 USA

The AGPI sends an acknowledgment to each donor for contributions.

On behalf of the AGPI, we thank you for your generosity!