Rochester, New York Puzzle Makers

At the 2014 AGPI convention in Rochester, New York, Anne Williams presented a PowerPoint slide deck devoted to Rochester-based jigsaw puzzle makers. The PowerPoint presentation can be viewed either as an online PowerPoint or as an online video. The online PowerPoint requires the visitor to click on the slide to advance the presentation to the next slide.  The online video will present the PowerPoint with a 20 second pause between slides. Pay close attention to the details on each slide.  After viewing the online PowerPoint or online video, you can take a JeoPARODY quiz with questions based on the PowerPoint presentation.  Test your ability to recall the details of the presentation.

Here is a brief video tutorial on the PowerPoint & JeoPARODY quiz.

Click here for online PowerPoint presentation.

Click here for PowerPoint video (about 5 minutes long)


 Click here to play the online JeoPARODY game